born adj. 1.出生的;出身于…的。 2.生来就…的,命中注定的。 3.天生的;有天才的。 one's first-born child 第一个孩子。 a newly- born idea 新产生的想法。 a Chicago-born New Yorker 出生在芝加哥的纽约人。 He was born to be hanged. 他命中注定要上绞架。 a born musician 天生的音乐家。 a born fool 生下来就是白痴。 be born again 再生,自新,更生。 be born of (rich parents) 出身于(有钱人家)。 be born to (wealth) 生来(有钱)。 be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth 生在富贵人家。 born and bred 在…生长大的;地地道道的,…本地的 (a born and bred Parisienne 地地道道的巴黎妇女)。 born of woman 同是娘养的。 born yesterday 天真的,乳臭未干的,无经验的。 in all one's born days 有生以来,一生中,生平 (In all my born days I've never seen such a fool as you are. 我有生以来还从没有见过你这样的傻子)。
win 1.= Whip Inflation Now 立即制止通货膨胀〔美国总统福特于1975年提出的一项计划〕。 2.= Work Incentive 〔美国〕鼓励(福利享受者)就业计划。 vt. (won , wan won winning) 1.胜,赢。 2.打下(要塞等),夺得(奖品等);争取;赚得,挣得(生活费等)。 3.博得,赢得(爱情、名誉等)。 4.达到,到达(山顶等)。 5.说服;诱惑。 6.【矿物】采掘到;提炼到;准备好(矿井等)。 win a battle 打一个胜仗。 win a victory 得胜。 win national independence 争取国家独立。 The book won him fame. 那本书使他出了名。 You have won me. 你算是把我说服了。 win sb. to consent 说服[赢得]某人同意。 vi. 1.得胜,赢。 2.达到目的,成功。 3.争取,影响,吸引 (on upon)。 4.到达。 win in a contest 比赛得胜。 win by two lengths 以两艇之长的距离得胜。 a theory that wins upon sb. 影响某人的一种理论。 win a lady's hand 赢得某一个女人许婚。 win back 〔口语〕努力收复(失地)。 win by a whisker 〔美运〕以少许之差得胜。 win free 挣脱;好容易渡过。 win one's bread 挣得生活之资。 win one's cap [letter] 〔美运〕大显本领。 win one's way 排除障碍前进;刻苦成功。 win out [through] 〔口语〕摆脱,克服 (win through all difficulties 排除万难)。 win over 争取过来,拉过来 (Win over all who can be won over. 争取一切可能争取的人。 win over sb. to a policy 争取某人赞同某一政策)。 win the day [the field] 得胜;成功。 win round 争取过来。 win up 起立;上马;登上。 n. 〔口语〕胜利,成功。 celebrate a win 庆祝胜利。 three wins and no defeats 三胜无败。 a win-win strategy 双赢战略〔指让双方都获益的战略〕。 vt. (winned, won win-ning)〔英方〕把(草等)吹干。